Web design and Web development differences

What Is The Difference Between Web Design and Web Development?

Various website pages promote the online presence of businesses. If done correctly, the actual website conveys the message of the brand to the audience. It takes highly skilled teams with technological and design skills to pull it all together and achieve this marketing strategy.

To ensure a compelling digital presence, you must hire someone knowledgeable with the site or web application, particularly web design and web development. What’s the difference? Don’t be confused with the responsibilities that they do.


Difference Between Web Design and Web Development


Web Designer vs. Web Developer

Basically, web design refers to both the aesthetic portion and usability of the website while web development takes the web design and makes them into a fully functioning website. But, there’s a lot more to these functions.

Closer Look: Web Designers

Web designers make the website look good. Their focus is on the styles and overall feel based on several basic design principles. Adobe Photoshop and Hypertext Markup Language are commonly used for customization and design process. Web designers have a variety of specializations.

User Experience (UX) Designers

A UX web designer keeps the website visitors hooked by crafting a site that the audience will specifically enjoy. The design created is carried out based on the user’s demographics and needs.

User Interface (UI) Designers

A UI web designer improves the ways the users interact with other visual elements on the web pages. It is done by translating brand ideas into a website that’s enjoyable and easy to use.

Visual Designers

A visual designer is a combination of both UX and UI. Their job is to solve design issues and to conceptualize a unique style for the brand. In essence, they are the master of critical web design principle and their roles can specifically depend on what is required.


Web designer from Direct Allied Agency


Closer Look: Web Developers

Web developers build the web designer’s concept. They specialize in designing a smooth-running framework using JavaScript and jQuery while streamlined development is done with a Content Management System like WordPress. Just like designers, a web developer has specific roles to highlight their functions.

Back-End Developer

Back-end developers are experts in programming logical and functional websites. They use complex coding languages, which involve databases and web servers. Also, these developers tend to spend a lot of time testing and fixing bugs.

Front-End Developer

Front-end developers are also known as client-side development. They are more connected to design since they work with programming languages to create things visible to the users. These developers tend to have coding skills but are building frameworks that users can interact with.

Full-Stack Developer

Full-stack developers work across the different stacks, including the back and front end development. They are essentially the more advanced web developers due to their expertise in all areas involved in a dynamic website.


Leading Web Design Company In Tulsa


When Is a Web Designer and a Web Developer Needed?

It doesn’t have to be one or the other. Teamwork from the dedicated designers, developers, and other members of web companies makes a balanced website design. There is a continuous evolution of the skills and knowledge towards a more functional and holistic approach.

Job titles may tend to become a hybrid version of both a developer and designer, with overlapping skills. Some of the tasks that can be done by either a designer or a developer using the no-code tools include fixing bugs or linking dynamic content together.

The Leading Web Design Company In Tulsa

Still confused with the difference between a web designer and web developer? Let the website builder experts do the job for you. Direct Allied Agency is a web development company that provides excellent solutions to your digital needs. We are a team of web designers and web developers whose goal is to create websites that provide aesthetically pleasing layout and visually appealing user experiences. Feel free to contact us and let’s work together on your website layout, whether it’s a new or existing website.